Pinellas Park
Civic Orchestra
November 4, 2018 Concert at 7:30 pm
Performing Arts Center,
4951 78th Ave.N.
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
Conducted by Maestro Art Hansuld
Guest conductor: Dana McCarthy
V. F. W. Seminole, Fl Color Guard, Capt. George Francey
Rosamunde Overture Schubert/Weaver
Fiddler on the Roof Bock/Harnick/Rapley
Solists: Soprano Donna Delonay, Baritone Jeff Clark
Concert Etude for Trumpet & Orchestra Goedicke/Mullins
Solist on trumpet: Art Hansuld
Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Williams/Story
Armed Forces Medley Clark & Gilpin
Solists: Soprano Donna Delonay, Baritone Jeff Clark
Norwegian Dance #3 Grieg/Isaac
America the Beautiful Ward/Reed
Musical Chairs will play in the lobby at 7.